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Chia & Barleygrass Raw Mikado

Hello radiant people! The warm season is starting here in Perth, the weather is absolutely amazing and I wanted to resume the last few months and share my latest wellness experiences with all of you.

This Winter has been pretty tough (and as usual I disappeared from the scene...sorry! but I always come back stronger than ever!).

Moving from Melbourne back here has been a lot harder than what we had imagined. It's so interesting to see how a town can change in a couple of years, the dynamics totally transformed, from mining boom to a lot emptier but still beautiful Sunny Perth =D. I still wonder how on earth I just thought everything was going to be easy, nothing is ever easy!

I have been meditating a lot on what I want do do and my next steps as a wellness coach, and while doing all of this brain work I had lots of fun with some cuddly furry friends, did some photography, connected with my spiritual side, reconnected and met amazing people. Most importantly I had the chance to work in Heaven raw café before it's final closure (so blessed *_*).

I managed to heal my almost crippling arthritis through lots of Aerial yoga, and this my friends was the key of my resurrection from the many stumbles I came across, I really need to thank my teacher Jac, she has been extremely patient and caring when I was the most fragile.

I finally embraced design back into my life and understood I'm not just one thing, I'm a designer and wellness advocate, I'm an artist, a traveller, a giver a creator a changer and healer. People cannot be labeled.

So I'm part of the Health and wellness cometee in my current office, and help my colleagues being healthier, giving them wellness and mindfulness tips and organizing morning yoga sessions.

Ok last thing which just kick-started my spring! I attended Wanderlust 108 here in Perth a mindfulness triathlon event that is travelling the globe. I was so inspired and charged by it and I recommend anybody to try to go if they come across it!

Concluding I'm so happy I am finally settling after so long, feeling grounded makes me ready for new exciting adventures!

I'm putting an end to this boring rant and passing on to the important stuff, a beautiful simple recipe!


Chia & Barleygrass Raw Mikado

Equipment: Dehydrator


50g of chia seeds

3 tbs of coconut syrup

30g raw cacao butter

1tbs of raw cacao

2 tbs of raw powdered barley grass (or wheatgrass)

A couple of pinches of pure vanilla from the vanilla bean.

A couple of pinches of Pink salt

Preparation time:

13h (12 for dehydration and 1 for preparation)

How to do it:

1.Soak the chia seeds for a couple of minutes until they release their gelatin.

2.Drain exeeting water

3.Combine the chia seeds with 2 tbs of coconut syrup, vanilla, wheatgrass and 1 pinch of salt.

4.Lay your mix on a dehydrator sheet, cut into long strips for your mikado sticks.

5. Dehydrate at 40°c for 12 hours.

6. Once you have your dehydrated chia sticks keep them dry in the freezer.

For the chocolate coating:

7. Slowly melt the cacao butter at 40/42°C

8. Once melted combine with the raw cacao, coconut syrup and remaining salt.

9. Cover twice your cold chia sticks with your liquid cacao creme, place the sticks back into the freezer for a couple of minutes after each cacao layer.

10. Enjoy ;)



Ecco una ricetta un po scenica ma molto semplice!

Attrezatura: Essicatore

Ingredienti: 50g Semi di chia

3 cucchiai di zucchero di cocco

30g di burro di cacao crudo

1 cucchiaio di cacao crudo

2 cucchiai di Polvere d'erba d'orzo

2 Pizzichi di pura vaniglia in polvere

2 Pizzichi di sale marino integrale

Tempi di preparazione: 13h (12h di essiccazione - 1h per la preparazione)


1. Mettete in ammollo i semi di cia per qualche minuto finche non rilasciano la gelatina.

2. Scolate eventuale acqua.

3. Mischiate i semi di chia con lo un 2 cucchiai di zucchero di cocco, un pizzico di vaniglia, l'erba d'orzo ed un pizzichino di sale.

4. Stendete l'impasto su un foglio per l'essiccazione, tagliate l'impasto a listelli sottili così da creare dei bastoncini una volta essiccati.

5. Lasciate essiccare a 40°c per almeno 12 ore.

6. Una volta ottenuti i vostri bastoncini verdi di semi di chia riponeteli in frigo all’ asciutto.

Per il cacao:

7. Sciogliete il burro di cacao, potete usare un thermomix impostando la temperatura a 40 gradi oppure a bagnomaria con un termometro stando attenti a non superare i 42°C.

8. Una volta sciolto mescolatelo con il cacao crudo, lo zucchero di cocco rimasto ed un pizzico di sale.

9. Ricoprite i vostri bastoncini raffreddati con la vostra crema di cacao almeno con un paio di strati. ad ogni strato riporre i bastoncini del freezer per due minuti.

10. Enjoy ;)


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